Vacationing Economically: What Can YOU Do?
Many of us would love nothing more than to take a vacation in some exotic place, but unfortunately, money doesn't grow on trees, and such excursions are often very pricey. Not to worry, though -- The Enduring Vision has you covered. Below are what we consider to be the top tips for a cheap, yet fun, vacation.
- Visit places no one in their right mind would go
Some people set their standards too high, and consequently miss out on good, low-cost trips. Vacationing to places like the city dump can be fun without costing a fortune.
- Forego luxuries such as food
The true vacationer goes for the thrill of being away, not any extras that come with it. Stick with the essentials, and cut out any extraneous costs that are associated with things like food, washing clothes, etc.
- Leave spouse and kids at home
Extra family members mean extra cash to shell out for lodgings, food, etc. Do yourself a favor and leave without them.
- Stretch limits of what "vacation" means
When you think about it, "vacation" is actually a very ambiguous word. Sleeping could be considered a vacation from yourself, and, if you have pleasant dreams, could be fun as well.
- Walk to destination
Instead of flying or riding in a car, try walking to where you'd like to go. You'll find that your savings will add up quickly.
- Steal other vacationing families' supplies
The value of hijacking the car of a family of four on their way to Disney World is immeasurable.
- Skip hotel and sleep in car or on street
Contrary to what you might have been told, spending the night in your vehicle or on a sidewalk is perfectly safe and sanitary. Plus, it'll save you a bundle.
- Pretend backyard is tropical paradise
With a sandbox, a beach umbrella, and a CD of soothing ocean waves, even the most dingy backyard can become a perfect beach getaway.
- Kill self
Dying is considered by many to be the "ultimate vacation", and it's also completely free.
- Decide vacationing is stupid
If you no longer have any desire to take a vacation, you don't have to go, thus saving you the cost of the entire trip. Try imagining all the things that could possibly go wrong to help discourage yourself from leaving