'Crazy Deals' Actually Quite Sane

Though local supermarket Tuncon's has been heavily advertising their "crazy deals" on various items, a survey of local consumers showed that while the deals may be good, they're "nowhere near" crazy levels.

The most prominent ad for Tuncon's crazy deals came in the form of a mail-out circular delivered to most of the residents of the tri-county area. The front page of the circular was reportedly "colorfully decorated", and made repeated references to the crazy, insane deals to be had at Tuncon's.

Martha Jenkins, an East Greenville resident, recalls the ad.

"It said, 'You'd have to be crazy to run these kinds of deals -- but WE ARE!'" she said. "The ad definitely gave me the feeling that I'd better get down to Tuncon's and take advantage of their temporary insanity, before they realized what they were doing and shot prices back up."

But Jenkins, like many other local residents, soon found that although the deals at Tuncon's were indeed money-saving, they were in no way crazy.

"For example, the one deal was 'Buy one cereal, get one free!'" Jenkins remembered. "But what they didn't tell you in the ad was that the free cereal needed to be of equal or lesser value.

"Sure, that's a deal," she said. "But is it really insane?"

But the cereal offer was just the "tip of the iceberg", according to Jenkins.

"Boxes of Ritz crackers were only 30% off of the marked price. Certain brands of cookies had a measly one dollar reduction on them. Juicy Juice was buy one, get one free.

"The deals Tuncon's had were not crazy at all," Jenkins concluded. "In fact, they were downright normal."

But what would constitute crazy deals? Jenkins -- along with other East Greenville residents -- had their own ideas.

"If I was to make a really crazy deal, I'd have a deal that was like, 'Buy one cereal, get ten free!'" Jenkins offered. "My store would lose a ton of money on the deal, which would more than eclipse any additional business that the deal would've generated. Now that's crazy!"

"How about, 'Ritz crackers: 200% off!'" Jim Dunlap suggested. "The store would actually have to pay you the purchase price of the crackers if you wanted to buy them. How insane would that be?"

Other suggestions for crazy, irrational deals included "Take crap off of the shelves for free", "Get money from the cash register", and "Have the store manager go crazy and shoot you".

Legal action is currently being considered taken against the store, which has so far not commented on the backlash against its crazy deals. For Jenkins, some kind of "retribution" must be made.

"You can't just promise to go insane and then not deliver," she said. "It's really very unprofessional."

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